What makes an introvert interesting? - Optimistaker


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Tuesday, March 21, 2017

What makes an introvert interesting?

What makes an introvert interesting?

  •     They identify fake personalities very quickly.
  •     They are at times mysterious.
  •     They make reliable friends,though they take a lot of time to do that.
  •     They rarely hurt someone’s sentiments intentionally.They know how dreadful that pain is.
  •     They can effortlessly pass time all alone even when there is nothing to do.
  •     They are least bothered about their first impression on anyone.
  •     They talk because they want to not because they need to.
  •     They generally take more time to mingle in a group. Once they are, you might have to call Satan to stop him.
  •     They have their own world within themselves. They sometimes feel bad when the real world hits them.
  •     They are excellent listeners. Brag all you want, they will listen patiently. They like to know more about the other person.
  •     They have hard time processing their emotions unless they have someone very close to share with.
  •     Extremely sarcastic. The shots were fired before even you could realise it.
  •     They spend a lot of time on themselves to know themselves better.
  •     They tend to amaze you with their knowledge in multiple fields.
What makes an introvert interesting?

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