What are helpful social skills that can be grabbed quickly? - Optimistaker


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Tuesday, March 7, 2017

What are helpful social skills that can be grabbed quickly?

Harish Pagunta
What are the social skills
  1. Speak Loud and Clear - Make it easier for people to hear what you have to say
  2. Show Your Teeth When you Smile - It looks better and genuine
  3. Make Statements - They are more fun than questions
  4. Always Finish Your Sentence - Don’t let people interrupt you
  5. Laugh When People are Funny - Don’t hold back, it makes them feel better
  6. Act Like Everyone is Your Friend - It makes it easier to make friends
  7. Talk About a Meal You ate Earlier That Day - People love talking about food
  8. Tell Great Stories About the Mundane - People love hearing great stories that are why we watch sitcoms. (Modulate your tone and use your hands to tell the story)
  9. Be Cocky but Make fun of Yourself - Makes you interesting and fun
  10. Share Intimate Details About Yourself - Makes people trust you faster
  11. Call People out for Being Rude - A simple “Not cool” works wonders for bad behavior
  12. Tell People What You Like About Them - It can make their day
  13. Talk About the Taboo - It leads to more interesting conversations and makes you memorable
  14. Ask Fun Questions - What did you eat for breakfast? Always leads to a great conversation
  15. Saying “I ran out of things to talk about” - Is sometimes the best thing to talk about.
  16. When in Doubt Talk Loud - It tricks your brain into becoming more comfortable

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