What is the most unfair advantage a person can have ? - Optimistaker


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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

What is the most unfair advantage a person can have ?

Unfair Advantage
  • Being born to the right parents (Nurturing, rich, powerful, privileged, et cetera)
  • Being born in a good time (i.e. in the future)
  • Being born in a good place (i.e. in a rich country)
  • Access to an ample food supply
  • Health
  • Physical attractiveness
  • The art of attraction; charm
  • High intelligence
  • Not introvert or extrovert but ambivert
  • A good (even photographic) memory
  • Optimism
  • Energy
  • Not caring what other people think
  • Not needing a lot of sleep
  • The ability to move on
  • The ability to express yourself
  • Selfless and supportive people
  • Insight and adaptability
  • Ability to resist temptation
  • Ability to defer gratification
  • Freedom
  • Love
  • Ability to go to college  (Really?, lot of college grads are unemployed and have wasted 4 or more years of their college).
  • Sense of humor
  • Extremely talented (natural aptitude)
  • Self-aware (knowing his strengths & weaknesses)
  • Self-believe
  • Native Language
  • Happiness
  • Motivation
  • beautiful, straight teeth

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